Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Multi-stakeholder cooperation in research: myth or must?

The University of Leuven is organising a symposium on university development cooperation, with the title "Multi-stakeholder cooperation in research: myth or must?". This event takes place on 19 December 2018 in AGORA, Edward van Eventstraat 4 in Leuven. The announcement can be found at

The website describes the topic as follows:
'Multi-stakeholder cooperation' has become a buzzword in international development. In order to solve complex global challenges, collaboration between a range of stakeholders from different sectors is a must, so it is said. Only by breaking up disciplinary boundaries and searching for transdisciplinary knowledge creation can we evolve towards the 'systems thinking' and 'systemic change' that is required to solve these challenges. 
But how do such partnerships really work? Is a genuine participatory process in which solutions for development are co-created even possible? Or do power imbalances between, for example, partners from developing countries and those based in the North, persist? Do contexts for multistakeholder cooperation really offer an enabling environment for transdisciplinary research? How precisely are partners who look very differently at knowledge production able to find synergy and complementarity in a multi-stakeholder partnership?
Our very own Marc Craps is scheduled to give a keynote speech at this event, entitled "On Co-creation and Trandisciplinarity in Multi-stakeholder Research Processes".

Later in the afternoon, Enrique Santos, of the Ecuadorian Higher Education Council and PhD graduate from the University of Leuven, will take part in a closing Roundtable With Experts from the Global South. 

Registration is possible through the aforementioned website.

Here's the full programme:


09.30-09.45   Warming up with coffee & tea

09.45-10.00   Welcome by vicerector Chris Van Geet and prof. Stephan Parmentier

10.00-11.15   Interactive discussion of the multi-stakeholder projects (see the projects)

11.15-12.00   Plenary discussion: lessons learned

12.00-12.15   Presentation of the new call for proposals

12.15-13.00   Lunch break


13.00-13.30   Multi-stakeholdership as a New Dimension in Academic Capacity Building (with Q&A)

Mrs. Kristien Verbrugghen - Flemish Interuniversity Council for University Development Cooperation

13.30-14.10   Keynote 1: On Co-creation and Trandisciplinarity in Multi-stakeholder Research Processes (with Q&A)

Prof. Marc Craps (KU Leuven)

14.10-14.35   The Kabarole Research Institute - Bridging a Myriad of Interests (with Q&A)

Julius Mwanga - Director KRC, Uganda

14.35-15.00   Multi-stakeholder Cooperation and Our Common Humanity: Hopes and Challenges

Dr. Joshua Gariba (University of Ghana)

15.00-15.40   Keynote 2: Towards a Whole of Society Approach in International Development (with Q&A)

Prof. Patrick Develtere (European Political Strategy Centre)

15.40-16.00 Coffee break

16.00-17.00  Roundtable With Experts from the Global South

Moderated by prof. Ann Cassiman (KU Leuven)

17.00-18.00   Networking reception

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